Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank Loamy Sand

Material category:

Soil / Soil based (organic/mineral)

Identification number:


Sample produced by:


Sample date:

17 Apr 2023 (Extracted)

Sample condition:


Site-driven material

This soil was designated as public fill within the Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank.

"...Construction and demolition (C & D) materials are a mixture of inert materials (e.g. soil, rocks and broken concrete) and wastes arising from construction activities. Local construction industry produces about 14 million tonnes of C&D materials a year." (Port Works Division Civil Engineering Department, 2001)

"...At the moment, most of the inert materials (also known as public fill) are reused at reclamation projects which hitherto have been the major outlet for these materials. However by mid-2002, most of the approved reclamation projects will no longer be able to absorb further public fill." (Port Works Division Civil Engineering Department, 2001)

Basic on site testing determined that the clay content was sufficient for making activities. A large sample of fill was transported to the University of Hong Kong Division of Landscape Architecture, where soil processing is underway.

N1: Deficient, P3: Sufficient

Surface Condition:


Depth of sample extraction:

On/Above Ground

Slope at extraction point:

35° - 45°

Land Use:

Vacant land/construction in progress



Geology of parent material:



7.5YR 7/3

Soil Structure

Organic Matter: 0.0 %

Coarse: 60.3 %

Sand: 32.0 %

Silt: 7.7 %

Clay: 0.0 %

Production Attribute

Distance from source location: <= 100km

Chemical Properties

(Soil) pH: 7.50