Zhong Shan river sand

Material category:

Soil / Soil based (organic/mineral)

Identification number:


Sample produced by:


Sample date:

4 Nov 2021 (Received)

Sample condition:

No physical sample

Source-driven material

This river sand sample was provided by a material supplier named ‘King Stream (HK) Limited’. They are the largest licensed river sand supplier in Hong Kong. The river sand was extracted under Hengmen Bridge, near the mouth of Pearl River. In Hong Kong, it has been used in the M+ Museum and in the Central Market project.

Depth of sample extraction:

> 100 cm

Slope at extraction point:

< 35°

Land Use:

Streams and nullahs

Natural or imported material:





10YR 6/3

Soil Structure

Organic Matter: 0.0 %

Coarse: 99.0 %

Sand: 99.0 %

Silt: 0.0 %

Clay: 0.0 %

Production Attribute

Distance from source location: <= 100km