Tung O trail sandy clay loam
Soil / Soil based (organic/mineral)
24 Nov 2021 (Extracted)
Site-driven material
Tung O trail, also known as the Tung O ancient trail, is a 16km long passage between Tung Chung and Tai O. The route passes through several villages and bays, including Shan Tau, Sha Lo Wan, Shan Shek Wan and Sham Wat.
Tung O Trail, Sham Wat, Lantau Island, Hong Kong
22.268754, 113.884464
Hard Setting
<20 cm
> 55°
Residential/ commercial/ government/ institutional/ community lot
Metasiltstone, metasandstone; graphite-bearing
10YR 5/2
Organic Matter: 0.0 %
Coarse: 6.0 %
Sand: 55.0 %
Silt: 21.0 %
Clay: 24.0 %
(Soil) pH: 5.00